There is an event for employees coming up in your office. You can either choose to advertise it by a newsletter or through a short video that plays in the reception or in the office. What would your ideal choice be? And why?
Employee engagement has always been a part of corporate communication. What’s new is how videos have become the mainstay for this purpose as it has been proved to be more effective. And when you combine it with social media, it can truly work magic! And here, we explore the secrets to a few of these magic tricks.
Let them get to know the company
Finding purpose in one’s work is a key component to job satisfaction. And purpose isn’t found on a day to day basis in the tiny bit of codebase or core work assigned to an employee, especially in a large company.
It is found when an employee knows the company intimately – it’s verticals, it’s services, it’s products, it’s impact, and above all, it’s leaders. An employee can only truly invest in a company if they identify their role in it.
Short videos designed for employees that tell the brand story, the products, the value they add to the company and the world on a day to day basis are an excellent vehicle to build this company employee relationship. Videos are also a chance for the company leadership to reach every employee at a very personal level, to have their vision shared and their appreciation known. When done well, corporate videos are never dry or drab, they can be a chance to embody the company’s creativity and passion for thinking out of the box or supporting the community in which they function.
Give them a fun space to speak up!
Have you ever noticed how written testimonials are so informative and perfectly phrased that you can never actually imagine someone saying those exact words? It is that very ability to refine and perfect a sentence that removes authenticity from it.
When you have an employee speaking in front of a camera, with those pauses as they slowly put into words on what they felt about a company event or a company success, anyone watching it knows that there is nothing fake about it. In fact, the emotions in their statements only increase when put to the right music and added visuals, enhancing the power behind their statements.
Did your company have a successful launch? Let the team that made it possible speak up! Did you have an event/annual day? Let the employees speak about how they liked it! Not only will it have an effect on the audience watching it, giving the launch or event more importance, it will show the participating employees they are heard and valued. That’s a true win-win situation.
But perhaps the biggest advantage is that the featured employees and their teams will be eager to share and watch these videos on slack, skype, and even other informal social media circlelike WhatsApp, Facebook or Twitter! And each share is the company employee relationship story reaching one more person!
Don’t let communications get lost in the mail
A lot of work and communication about work happens over e-mail. So much so that sifting and finding the important e-mails in the morning and deleting the rest is a ritual for most people.
If you have an event or a campaign coming up for employees, do you really want to take the chance that it will not be seen?
Simple videos with just text and transitions or even photostories can be much more effective, and can be made by almost anyone! And for those key events and campaigns, a professionally done video can grab people’s attention and increase anticipation and participation!
A video like e-mail, newsletters, posters, is a tool to communicate – just that it is far more effective. For minor purposes, there are multiple tools on the internet that meet your requirement.
For a more professional video with equal emphasis on storytelling and stunning visuals, you can reach out to us at [email protected]. To see our range of work, click here.
LMB Productions is an award-winning end-to-end production house based out of Pune with more than 500 projects successfully completed.